For the second summer of our crazy adventures, we decided that we needed to document the completion of each item on our summer bucket list. it is.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

#15 & #38

The lights dim.  The crowd dynamic changes from small talk to thousands of tween girls screeching at the top of their lungs.  Fog and flashing lights fill the stage.  Rising from below the stage, his back facing the crowd, the one-and-only dressed in bright colors with coordinating high-tops belts out the first note sending the entire building to their feet. Experiencing this rush more than once, we were captivated by his tale as featured in his very own motion picture. Seeing the movie and knowing his story reignited our flame for Justin Bieber.  We never thought we'd be the girls obsessed with this teenie bopper star but...
Never. Say. Never.

We hear time and time again from Sara and Kate how we are them ten years later: best friends who do incredibly crazy and fun things together all the time.  We decided to have a best friend double date and make a movie night out of it.  While we were together, Kate wanted to knock something else off the bucket list: frozen margaritas (virgin of course).

And, of course, we couldn't watch J.Biebz perform without getting up to sing and dance along. (and who knows why Sara is hiding behind that ottoman?)


  1. last picture: classic Becky dance off move. love it.

  2. Mwahahahaha... she was trying to avoid being in the picture, so I purposely put her in it! And thanks for saying TEN years later! We love you for that one!
